Invitation To Share This Blog


My Dear Reader:

IF YOU KNOW of any person, medical researcher, bioenergy (energy of the human body) researcher, educational institution, professional association, or any other group, association or organization who you believe might find this blog to be of possible benefit or interest - and if you are comfortable in doing so - then I invite (and encourage) you to share the blog with them.

This would include - most obviously - people who suffer from psoriasis and/or "A Special Kind of Heartbreak", and those who work to help heal or alleviate these conditions.

In addition, I believe this would include - but not be limited to - those persons and entities who are interested or involved in studying and/or researching:

* the typical bioenergy of healthy people who do not suffer from a disease, pain, or medical (physical or psychological/emotional) condition(s);

* the bioenergy of people who suffer from a disease, pain, or medical (physical or psychological/emotional) condition(s);

* the difference(s) in the bioenergy of people who suffer from a particular disease, type of pain, or medical (physical or psychological/emotional) condition(s) and healthy people who do not suffer from a disease, pain, or medical (physical or psychological/emotional) condition;

* the effects of a person's thoughts, beliefs, and emotions on the person's bioenergy;

* the possible causal connection between a person's thoughts, beliefs, and emotions (especially when long-standing or chronic in nature) and disturbances and imbalances in the person's bioenergy;

* the possible causal connection between disturbances and imbalances in a person's bioenergy and the of creation or worsening of various diseases, types of pain and medical (physcial or psychological/emotional) conditions;

* the ability of people to manage, direct, adjust and balance their own bioenergy;

* the various techniques that people may be able to use themselves to manage, direct and balance their own bioenergy;

* the ability of people to assist - and work in cooperation with the medical profession - in the healing and prevention of medical (physical or psychological/emotional) conditions through self-management and direction of their bioenergy;

* the ability of physicians - and health professionals working under the supervision of a physician - to manage, direct, adjust and balance a patient's bioenergy to promote: the healing and prevention of disease; the reduction, elimination and prevention of pain; and/or the healing and prevention of medical (physical or psychological/emotional) conditions;

* the healing and preventative effects of various activities (including, but not limited to, qigong techniques, reiki, yoga, affirmations, visualizations, meditation and prayer) that may be performed by people suffering from disease, pain or a medical (physical or psychological) condition(s); and

* the healing and preventative effects of simple qigong exercises that may be used to treat young children suffering from physical or emotional upset, disturbance, trauma, sadness, grief, anxiety, phobias, injury, disease, pain or medical condition(s).

* the possible benefits of teaching young children simple qigong exercises to perform as a regular part of their daily lives as a form of self-care to promote their own health and happiness throughout their lives.


Dinah 2.0

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